Zest Programs

Dare to be You

Many people navigate life without truly knowing themselves. Why is self-awareness so essential? Many individuals reach mid-life without understanding their genuine self: which parts to cherish and which to set free. To live life to the fullest, we must truly understand ourselves. Only then can we effectively steer our path through life.

Dare to be you.


Many grapple with low self-esteem. We fail to see ourselves as God does, often underestimating our worth and living with a sense of hopelessness, a departure from God’s plan. If you’re grappling with uncertainties about your identity and choices, and are in search of direction, this retreat is designed for you. Here, you will be empowered to understand God’s profound love for you, realize your worth in His eyes, and just Dare to be You.


This psycho-spiritual retreat will help you understand your lineage. Explore the characteristics of your family including your grandparents, uncles, and aunts and realize your similarities and differences. We aim to understand the methods your parents employed in upbringing and the unique dynamics of different families. Were your family members expressive or reserved? We will guide you in developing self-awareness, helping you understand the impact of your family’s environment and its implications on your adult life.


We aim to provide a clearer understanding of yourself and your experiences. If you feel you lacked a foundational understanding from your upbringing, we hope to help you lay a new foundation with God and the community’s assistance. We wish to empower you by reinforcing God’s love and your inherent value and guiding you to lead a fulfilling life through prayer and connection with your inner self and God.

Day 1

Morning Session:

Genealogy: What is My Birthright?
Our identities partly stem from our ancestors. We encourage participants to research their origins and understand family traits and professions. Knowing familial tendencies, like susceptibilities to certain behaviors or illnesses, can be enlightening.


Dare to Be You.

God crafted each of us uniquely to achieve specific purposes. He desires us to recognize and embrace our unique identities.

Examining a child’s basic needs helps us understand our motivations and drives. Recognizing these needs clarifies our interactions and life patterns, reminding us of God’s omnipresence.

The personalities and inherent experiences of the parents have an impact on each family dynamic. We guide you in understanding these dynamics to foster appreciation for your parents and self-recognition.

Childhood influences play out in adulthood. Without self-reflection, these influences can hamper adult relationships. We encourage self-awareness using prayer and meditation, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and vulnerability. This facilitates personal growth, supported by the community and God’s grace.

Day 2

Morning Session:

Emerging Self and Conscious Awareness:

We discuss the concept of personality, emphasizing individual differences and behavioral patterns. The interplay of nature versus nurture is highlighted.

We delve into how upbringing and experiences become integral to our identity and how challenging it can be to change established patterns.

Carl Jung’s theory of persona and shadow aids in understanding our facades and hidden selves. Our public personas often conceal our shadow side, which we suppress to fit societal expectations.

Multiple Intelligences:

Everyone is uniquely gifted. Yet, societal norms often prioritize mathematics, sciences, and communication, sidelining other talents. We aim to recognize and validate diverse skills and strengths.

Afternoon Session:

Family Constellation: Birth Order and Sibling Rivalry:

Family dynamics can be influenced by a single member. Cultural norms dictate familial structures, where the eldest or youngest child may be prioritized. In societies with larger families, sibling rivalries and birth orders remain pertinent.

This teaching touches upon the natural temperaments of parents and children, explaining affinities between certain parents and their offspring. This phenomenon, evident in many biblical tales, underscores family dynamics’ significance. We dissect these dynamics and their ripple effects into adulthood. Family dynamics are shaped by parental backgrounds, evolving family size, and intra-family relationships, all of which influence our interactions with the broader world.


Those Interested Must

  • Click the Sign Up button to launch the form and fill it up. If you have attended a retreat with us before, please send us an email of intent so we can enlist you and guide you through confirming your participation.
  • Undergo an interview through phone call or video call. The schedule of the interview will be set upon submission of the application form.

Please submit your application on or before 
February 17, 2024.


February 24-25, 2024, Saturday-Sunday


Online: ZOOM
Please download the Zoom app at www.zoom.us

  • Pay P1,500 per day via bank deposit, online transfer, or PayPal.
  • This payment is refundable until February 17, 2024, seven (7) days prior to the event.
  • The payment details will be sent to you upon acceptance after your interview.

For any inquiries, please contact programs@spiritualformation.center or
0917 188 6883.


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