Sometimes we are tempted to spiritualise things in order not to feel the pain of the situation.

Grounded Spirituality: Everything Real Is Spiritual

This workshop has been designed by On the Third Day to ground our formands so that they see God in all things.


This workshop has been designed by On the Third Day to ground our formands so that they see God in all things. Sometimes we are tempted to spiritualise things in order not to feel the pain of the situation. It is easier to spiritually bypass than to go through the process of understanding the experience that was presented to you.

We cannot avoid it. The spirituality in our everyday relationship, task, struggle, joy, commute, job, etc. It is not some out there blowing in the wind spirituality that is high faluting holy. Our holiness and spirituality is practiced in everyday ordinary life, where the challenges and temptations exist and where we prove or work on our journey to holiness. 

We help the participant to assess in what parts of the case given are the realities of the situation, the feelings the person might be dealing with and where God is in the reality and the feelings.


The workshop asks the participants to create their case study describing a situation they are going through, whilst looking at every reality, every feeling and God’s movements in the situation. They are asked to list these down in columns to give them the sensation of how this all happens simultaneously in their lives. It requires prayer, authenticity and vulnerability. It is the true meaning of interior work and requires self confrontation.


The module intends to facilitate the participants ability to see their situation, to discern God’s will and to ground themselves in the reality of their life’s trials. We have been told that the exercise is something they bring along with them even when the course is over because it is helpful for them to see things more clearly.

Anyone who wants to be grounded in themselves and in God would benefit from this workshop. This workshop cannot be taken on a stand alone, it is given towards the end of the formation course because it requires one to silence their heart and be able to meditate and contemplate their circumstances. They must have the maturity to see their realities, to feel their feelings and notice God’s movements.


Those Interested Must

  • Click the Sign Up button to launch the form and fill it up. If you have attended a retreat with us before, please send us an email of intent so we can enlist you and guide you through confirming your participation.
  • Undergo an interview through phone call or video call. The schedule of the interview will be set upon submission of the application form.

Please submit your application on or before 
July 21, 2024.


July 28, 2024 – Saturdays


Online: ZOOM
Please download the Zoom app at

  • The duration of the retreat program spans six weeks, with a weekly fee of Php 1,000. Payment can be facilitated through bank deposit, online transfer, or PayPal.
  • This payment is refundable until July 21, 2024, seven (7) days prior to the event.
  • The payment details will be sent to you upon acceptance after your interview.

For any inquiries, please contact or
0917 188 6883.


Learn more about the Guidelines for our Scholarship