A book retreat for us at On the Third Day means we will delve into the book week by week reading chapter by chapter and letting God speak to us through the passages in the book. It will be a form of spiritual reading whereby we allow the words in the book to transform us. At the end of the week we meet with the participants in groups of 4 to share the God experience we have all received from reading the assigned chapter.
In order to bring the pilgrim into a deeper place of knowing God this particular book has proven to be effective in accompanying the pilgrim in ways that would bring greater self awareness and God awareness. Christine Paintner is able to draw the reader by giving beautiful examples regarding ways of connecting effectively with God. Soulfully written, in a very down to earth manner, the reader’s heart is captured by the author through the chapters of the book. It has over and over been proven how our pilgrims’ lives have been transformed. By this book.
Instead of merely asking them to read the book on their own, we have decided to journey with them on a weekly basis, assist them to deepen what is already happening with them in their prayer and allow God and the author to touch them as they read the book.
This Book Retreat is for those who are seeking to polish their spiritual practices with the hope of knowing themselves and knowing their God more intimately. It will help them understand that prayer does not have to be boring, it can be exciting, creative and it may even surprise you that you are already praying all the time because you are awake, alive and your senses are at work. By being fully alive we are giving glory to God because this was God’s purpose in creating us. He wanted us to benefit from all our senses, have a heart of flesh and be available to love Him, ourselves and others.
We would like to invite you to partake in this book retreat as you spend daily prayerful moments as your spiritual readings with an open heart, allowing God to speak to you through Christine Paintners personal revelations. Indulge and journey through a journey of transformation by opening our hearts, accompanying those with kindred spirit and allowing God to flow into our lives as we indulge the spirit of love and creativity.
Those Interested Must
- Click the Sign Up button to launch the form and fill it up. If you have attended a retreat with us before, please send us an email of intent so we can enlist you and guide you through confirming your participation.
- Undergo an interview through phone call or video call. The schedule of the interview will be set upon submission of the application form.
Please submit your application on or before
February 2, 2024.
February 10-17, March 2, 9 & 16, 2024 – Saturdays
Online: ZOOM
Please download the Zoom app at
- The duration of the retreat program spans six weeks, with a weekly fee of Php 1,000. Payment can be facilitated through bank deposit, online transfer, or PayPal.
- This payment is refundable until February 2, 2024, seven (7) days prior to the event.
- The payment details will be sent to you upon acceptance after your interview.
For any inquiries, please contact or
0917 188 6883.
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