
What is Supervision?

Supervision has the quality of a sacred call. Supervisors are called by God and a faith community to be “servants of the servants.” They are called to facilitate other ministers-namely, spiritual directors-and to foster individuals’ contemplation and growing relationship with God. They are “companions with other companions” in that they walk with spiritual directors as they companion people on their spiritual journey.

Supervision is a ministry. It is rooted in God’s presence and the gift of the Spirit that seeks to enable spiritual directors to become more self-aware and grow in spiritual freedom.

Supervision is a mission. It is part of the continuous formation of spiritual directors so they may be able to accompany their directees well. This ministry involves assisting the directors in seeing and acknowledging some areas of resistance, vulnerability, and brokenness that hinder them in being fully present to their directees.

Supervision is a mystery. It gives the directors an opportunity to see how God is moving in their minds and hearts as they journey with their directees. They are encouraged to submit themselves to God’s transformative grace.

The practice of supervision is an inspired art of enlightenment and a learned skill of empowerment.

How can I request for Supervision?

Send us a letter of intent so we can guide you through the process. Please email: